My Aunt

This morning, my phone rang before 9 AM. It's Sunday, I knew the call was not work related. I also had a hunch the call could not be about anything good, so I did not pick up. I was still in bed. I contemplated what the call could be, figuring if it was important, they would leave a message.
It turned out to be very important. It was my cousin, explaining that my aunt had passed away Saturday morning. It took a couple of hours for me to gather myself to call her back.
The number of friends I have in this world keeps getting smaller. Need to do something about that. My aunt was one of the best. About five years ago, I was sitting in the airport, waiting to get a flight to San Jose... business trip. On a lark, I called her, wondering if we might get together. Prior to that call, I don't guess we had communicated since my mother (her sister) died, in 1986, No real reason for the lapse. Just life moving too fast. My aunt was very happy to hear from me. She came and picked me up at my hotel in Santa Clara, drove me back to her house and I spent the evening with her and my uncle. What a lovely evening.
That was the last time I saw my uncle. He had been in failing health and passed away the following year, I believe. He was in his 80s and had lived a long life. My aunt continued on, kept living in their wonderful house for another couple of years, I think. I kept in touch with her. In 2004, we got together again for dinner. My aunt drove to my hotel and we ate there. She told me that she couldn't tolerate life if she couldn't keep driving. I can understand that.
In 2005, I made a special trip north to see her. She had just moved into a "retirement" community, which meant downsizing out of the house, and basically starting a new existance. Kind of scary to have to do that when you are in your 80's... but she onward she went. I admired her. I spent the night in a guest room in her building. She was so happy to reserve the room and have me stay on the premises.
Later that year, I was on another business trip, staying in Berkeley and only had the one evening, so rented a car and drove 60 miles in rush hour to see her. We had another great dinner.
Three months ago, in November 2006, I saw her for what turned out to be the last time. I always made a point to visit her when I was up north, and I'm glad I did. She was in her mid-80s, and it was sort of understood she wasn't going to be around forever. She was in great health, and lived a long and glorious life. I guess we had one more phone conversation, maybe a month ago.
I'm just so sad she is gone. She had become my biggest fan. It's a difficult world out there, and it was so nice to always have someone in my corner. She was my mother's sister, and being around her brought back so many memories of my mother as well. I am happy she did not have to experience a long drawn out illness. Everyone in our family seems to get cancer sooner or later... not my aunt. Good for that.
Rest well, sweet princess. I hope to see you again.
That was very good. I know she would have loved it.
Anonymous, at 7:26 AM
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