The Worst Freeway Interchange In The World

I have long wanted to write about this infernal freeway interchange. I avoid the 405 like the plague, and over the years, have done a pretty good job of it.
My travels take me east on the 101, but for a brief moment, I might consider heading south on the 405, but more often than not if I make such an utterly foolish decision, I regret it less than 30 seconds later.
When approaching this interchange, if the 101 is backed up, there is the temptation to head south, only because the 405 is not visable at the time you must commit. There is a little hill, which prevents a clear view of just how backed up this freeway might be. So, I've just learned not to ever take a chance. Maybe 1 time out of 100, will the 405 to the 10, get you downtown faster than the 101, so just don't even think about it. If you take the 405 south during rush hour, it can take one hour to go ten miles. Lovely.
As for the reverse trip, back from south of downtown... I often travel the 10 west to the 405 north, mainly to avoid going smack through the 4 level interchange on the 110. If there is a Dodger game, or even an event at Staples Center, not to mention regular old rush hour traffic, it could take 20 minutes to go 3 miles. So, I reluctantly head towards the dreaded 405.
The trip north isn't too bad, until.... you get to the top of the hill.... good ol' Sepulveda Pass. Then the true freeway dance begins. The two righthand lanes are the ones which will take you to the 101, but they are already backed up at the top of the hill, so no joy getting in line there. It all depends on my mood. If I do get in line there, going down the hill becomes a battle to keep miscreant drivers from cutting in... those low lifes who are too damn arrogant to wait in line like the rest of us. The best method of protecting my space is to drive as close to the left lane line as I can, without going into the other next lane. Doing so makes it a little difficult for the pigs to slide in ahead of you. If you stay towards the right, they can come right up beside you, in your lane, and then something has to give.
I have tried this manoeuver in the right lane of the two, just to experiment, as there is a dedicated additional lane to the right (making actually three lanes going down the hill, which exit the 405), which is supposed to be and Exit Only to Ventura Blvd. Well of course, the pig drivers in that lane get down the hill faster, and then try to slide to the left at the last second, so they can gain access to the 101.
Bottom line, it's one big game of chicken, driving down the hill in either of the two lanes which take you to the 101. Or, if I just don't feel like playing the game, I can let all drivers in... what the hell. Come on down, you losers. You, who are too good to wait in line like the rest of us poor shlubs.
Recently though, I've tried avoiding this whole problem altogether, by taking the Burbank Blvd. exit, which is the next one past the 101. Sometimes that doesn't work too well either, as this exit becomes quite congested, what with Sepulveda Blvd. running parallel to the 405. Whether I go this route depends if I think I can actually get down the hill faster by remaining in the fast lane. You would be surprised at how many times I can't. 5 lanes of cars, not moving.
I cannot finish this without discussing the lovely construction going on at this very interchange. It seems they have been trying to reconfigure this interchange for at least 10 years. Well ok, they haven't been working on it for quite that long... it just seems they have. They have closed a couple of street access ramps. They have prevented sliding from the fast lane on the 101 to the Havenhurst exit (good closure).
So we have two lanes splitting off from the 405, with cement barriers on the left (hiding what seems like enough space for 3 more lanes.. good grief, are we ever gonna be fortune enough to claim THAT real estate?). Traffic naturally slows because after about 200 yards, if you don't know exactly where you are going, and what lane is best, lanes get even more confusing. The left lane slides over and becomes two lanes for traffic heading west on the 101. The right lane becomes two lanes for eastbound 101 traffic. The first time I went through there, after Cal Trans had jury-rigged the lanes again, I was totally in the wrong lane. Now I know, to never leave the left lane on approach... never.
Once you actually reach the approach lanes to the westbound 101, you feel like you've won the war, even though there is a new ocean of traffic to greet you heading west. Not a problem however, as I'm departing the 101 in a couple more exits. I am just very thankful I do not have to commute every single day.
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